Sunday, April 22, 2012



benefits us all

As the trial of Anders Behring Breivik got off to a bang, nobody inside Norway had a clue as to why anyone could possibly hate muslims when the people of the UK are so desperate to hang onto theirs. Britain's Abu Qatada who loves women and counts the European Union as his best friend, was tonight kissing his own arse proving his shit don't stink just like the Labour Party told us.


  1. Down to your usual standard

  2. Lol is that you Billy Boy @snirge?

  3. yes - what's your point on the trial Breivik hasn't been gagged - far from it.. ironically Abu Qatatda has (at the moment he is genuinely a political prisoner). You missed the scoop as per usual

  4. Do you think I should have shown the photo of qatada having just been to the shops having bought a packet of Charmin bog roll thereby proving muslims do use bog roll to wipe their arses and don't in fact use a jug of water and towel to dry it as previously believed?

  5. That would have been very creative. But I think you are referring to a bidet which in fact is rather spohisticato

  6. ...but not as creative as my dating website profile..well endowed and rich!

  7. lol just hijacking the #hashtags to sell more copies
