Sunday, April 29, 2012

Nothing to see here....move along


'behind you'

Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt & top politicians were shitting their load this week as Rupert Murdoch took to the stand in the Leveson Inquiry to dish the dirt on all the lying bastards in the House of Commons. Former unelected PM Gordon Brown came off worst. Murdoch said 'rumours were true Brown's wife was a dyke and her legs were foul'. Loser Brown who refuses to take his seat but claims the wages that go with it, vowed to make us all pay for voting the miserable cunt out of power.

Sunday, April 22, 2012



benefits us all

As the trial of Anders Behring Breivik got off to a bang, nobody inside Norway had a clue as to why anyone could possibly hate muslims when the people of the UK are so desperate to hang onto theirs. Britain's Abu Qatada who loves women and counts the European Union as his best friend, was tonight kissing his own arse proving his shit don't stink just like the Labour Party told us.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Benefits For All

6 weeks ago - 8 months pregnant or just a fat cunt?

Yvette Cooper, Ed Balls - kids for free

Housing Benefit skank Yvette Cooper denied Ed Balls had recently given birth. Balls due to run the London Marathon refuted allegations he's only doing it to lose the extra fat he put on whilst pregnant. Ms Cooper refused to admit her family take the fucking piss claiming tax credits and denied she wants to grab the Leadership from Ed Milliband 'Ed is the best choice as he's very popular with those voting Conservative!'