Sunday, August 26, 2012

Spot the Difference



In the week the Norwegian courts ruled the shooting of socialists by Anders Breivik to be perfectly sane, Scotland's very own Marxist cunt George Galloway denied rape existed or indeed is a crime under islam. The muslim brotherhood MP famous for sucking Hamas cock told his viewers 'legitimate rape is only when the child is under nine'.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hands of the Ripper

Julian Assange - 'in hiding '   

Sweating like a cunt Foreign Secretary William Hague denied the UK Government are a bunch of fucking Nazis for only bothering to enforce USA extradition laws against whitey but making sure muslim terrorists get to stay here forever tax free. Closet Hague blasted "rest assured those threatening to blow us up don't get millions of pounds in legal aid & income support for themselves or their massive families".

Sunday, August 12, 2012

In The Red Corner

'they should be in green' 

Free ticket holder David Cameron went to the Olympic boxing and ignored cries from the crowd to get in the ring for a quick demonstration. The PM clearly pissed off by his early morning radio interview when a woman with cancer told him what a cunt he is for taking her wages and giving them to wife beaters abroad. But the multi-millionaire dismissed her claim for life saving drugs 'we have a moral duty to pay for pakistan as they are our future'.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Inspire a Generation

'Tweet Crime'

Vladamir Putin & Cameron: 'we're in green'  

Any free thoughts there was free speech in GB was laughed off by PM David Cameron after he sat on his arse and did nothing as Police kicked in the doors of two children and arrested them for tweeting to gayboy Tom Daley. Cameron denied he was a leftwing cunt who suppresses British people even more than socialists 'muslims descend here from all over the third world because we really are so free'.