Sunday, October 28, 2012

USA Today

'Operation Block Vote'

During the final US Presidential debate, Barack Obama promised islamists across the globe loads more licking of their medieval fucking shit and plenty more tax dollars to go with it. "Vote for me and I will fight to ensure every American family gets free food & y'all wishing you'd voted for some other cunt".

Sunday, October 21, 2012

All In It Together

'sick & twisted'

Labour Party mouthpiece the BBC were this week trying to cover up the fact they keep paedophile rapists in luxury lifestyles that taxpayers are forced to fund or go to jail. The Director General denied Jimmy Savile proved what a bunch of lying thieving fucking cunts they are "nobody here knew least of all those of us who kissed his ring for six decades".

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Basket Case

con job

With UK prisons filling up by the hour Foreign Secretary William Hague demanded the right to freedom of expression in pakistan. But that lot living here were too busy benefitting to give a shit over the shooting of a 14 year old girl by their very own taliban. So no flag burning, no screaming for fatwa, no shouting for jihad & no outrage for them to give a flying fuck about this week.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

One Nation

'one party one state'

As all the thieving cunts in the land gathered at the annual Labour Party Conference, Leader Ed Miliband wanked off for over an hour guaranteeing he will tax & spend every fucking penny you've got. Wet with excitement Ed promised the Police anything they want, all new arrivals the red carpet and the rest of us the third world.