Sunday, July 29, 2012

London Calling

'for everyone to see'

Great Britain showcased its diversity credentials to the world at the Olympic Games opening ceremony by paying homage to wheelchairs and hijabs. Labour Party favourite Danny Boyle who directed this pile of shit made sure of his impending knighthood by appealing to PM David Cameron's massive appetite for socialism 'I wanted to show the world what London has become'.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Securing Your World

'all above board' 

As the Labour Party's favourite public money leech 'G4S' completely fucked up Olympic security, sunbed & surgery ponce Nick Buckles was summoned to Parliament by fellow slime Keith Vaz. Billionaire Buckles claimed they were overwhelmed with applications from islamabad & Remploy so no need to panic and refused to hand back any money as he 'cannot disagree' when ex Home Secretary Dr John Reid MP assured him there was fuck all anyone could do.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

This is England

Ferdinand arriving at court  


Chief Labour Party diversity officer Doreen Lawrence turned up at the anti-free speech trial of England footballer John Terry on charges made up by Anton Ferdinand. After the 'not guilty' verdict Terry said "I now await the cunts at the FA to read The Guardian, listen to Lee Jasper, completely ignore the verdict of the court and find me guilty".

Sunday, July 8, 2012

All His Idea

Balls, the Baroness Vadera & Brown

complete Balls

Ex City of London Minister and shard of shit Ed Balls denied accusations he ordered the banks to fiddle the Libor rates so he could spend shit loads more tax payers money. Balls narrowly lost a recent poll to fellow evil cunt Gordon Brown as most peoples favourite to see have their neck stretched. The Shadow Chancellor said 'we didn't commit fraud we had plenty of money, we printed fucking heaps and we sold all the gold at a knockdown price'.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bank of England

Team GB
 Bob Diamond Chloe Smith David Cameron George Osborne Stephen Hester

entitlement culture

With greedy Barclays & RBS Bankers getting caught doing more fraud, theft & deception, junior lickspittle Chloe Smith shat herself on TV after Chancellor George Osborne agreed to let the thieving cunts off by promising 'no criminal prosecutions of his best mates'. PM David Cameron pleaded "We need the banks otherwise the country will be fucked, how else can we write the child benefit cheques for all those living in London, Bradford & Birmingham not forgetting the overseas aid I'm so fond of".