Sunday, January 27, 2013

Take Your Pick

'No-Go' Area

David Cameron pretended he wants out the EU while he begs to stay in "I will suck that much French & German cock we can fuck off the result". But the Labour party slammed the right to vote as racist "we won't be able to flood your town with shit from Europe so we'll do it with Tower Hamlets cunts instead".

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pond Life

'round them up'

Another mass trial of sunni shit meant Brits can sleep soundly knowing them cunts will be deported after their soft sentence. So no need to 'lock up your daughters' because in the UK our police and politicians make sure we're all safe from imports who outstay their fucking welcome.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Truth Be Told

laughing at you  

With MPs recommending themselves a 32% pay rise the coalition of Cameron & Clegg decided now was a good time to review pledges whilst stroking each others cock. "We're still pouring your money into sluts breeding piss and still covering up for the Police & the BBC in the Jimmy Savile shit".

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Washington Redskins


Barack Obama avoided the fiscal shit guaranteeing more Hawaiian holidays for himself and that fat cow wife of his. "The European Union leads the world in pissing away public money and we must do the same. They have a magic money tree and we must get one too. God Bless America here's some tax hikes because like every cunt socialist I spend it better than you".