Sunday, January 27, 2013

Take Your Pick

'No-Go' Area

David Cameron pretended he wants out the EU while he begs to stay in "I will suck that much French & German cock we can fuck off the result". But the Labour party slammed the right to vote as racist "we won't be able to flood your town with shit from Europe so we'll do it with Tower Hamlets cunts instead".


  1. he won't leave the EU. Outside interests are leaning on him

  2. of course we won't, the result will get ignored or we won't get a vote at all

  3. Isn't it claimed the CIA interfered with the 1975 referendum?

  4. ower Hamlets residents should be re-housed in dissused coalmines. No Windows to break, nothing to throw the TV out of, nothing to write graffiti on and real easy to flood in times of riot.

  5. are those flights to jeddah your so fond of 'One Way'? Or is it just wishful thinking....
