Sunday, November 11, 2012

You Get What You Pay For

W ednesday

T hursday

F riday

With public enquiries & fucking nonces everywhere David Cameron decided to blame Twitter but by the end of the week none of his mates were in the frame after all. The BBC and greedy fat socialist cunt Tom Watson promised renewed bullshit to link Margaret Thatcher to "we won't give up, we'll study every blog till we find something".


  1. You'll never find the truth!

  2. The COW on SUNDAY is the truth the whole truth & nothing but the truth!

  3. If that is the case then who paid him? If Lord McAlpine paid him then isn't it akin to Michael Jackson paying that boy then charges were dropped. Was Lord McAlpine the third man on the grassy knoll? The public demands to know!

  4. Lord McAlpine is definitley hiding in the bushes in the 3rd photo!
