Sunday, December 23, 2012

Pigs In Blankets

Happy Christmas

A Met Police plot to force the Tories out & install their Labour Party paymasters into power was found out to be completely true. All the lying fucking shit that swell the ranks to bursting admitted they love fitting people up "we're not called cunts for nothing we'll do anybody over except for muslims we always let them off".


  1. I don't like Mitchell, he's a pompous oaf but the police stitching him up like this is appalling.. How is a jurer supposed to take the word of any policeman at face value anymore?


  2. MPs and some Police deserve each other. The stitch ups they both have done to decent people. Glad they're at each others throats at last.

  3. Before Leveson outed them, the police, politicians and the media were all giving each other reachrounds on a daily basis. #plebgategate now has them all savaging each other. Who do we support? Don't care - they're all equally corrupt.

  4. we'd be better off without all of them

  5. Is that Robert de Nero playing the chimney sweep. I love is acting and that hat really soots him.

  6. no i think its a member of the labour party pretending he knows what a manual job is

  7. Hope Santa gets you a job for Christmas #sponger

  8. lol you too billy boy snirge or is it ms adhd fat mess
